Antarctica is home to a myriad of penguin species including the emperor penguin, gentoo penguin, and chinstrap penguin.
Gentoo and chinstap penguins are closely related, and both reside on the Antarctic Peninsula, Falkland Islands, and South Georgia. Gentoo’s, however, are much larger than chinstrap penguins. They can be up to 90cm tall, making them the third largest penguin in the world behind emperor and king penguins.
Populations of Gentoo and chinstrap penguins have gone in two drastically different directions in the past half-century: While gentoo penguin populations have been increasing, particularly along the Antarctic Peninsula, chinstrap penguin populations have been declining.
Human intervention is believed to be behind the chinstrap penguin’s decline. Specifically, the over-hunting of marine mammals in the 1800s and 1900s caused the entire food web to change. With fewer voracious eaters around krill populations exploded, giving penguins plenty of food.
Since these massive marine mammal declines, international regulations have allowed marine mammal populations to recover. In 1909, the hunting of fur seals at South Georgia was prohibited by the British Falkland Island Dependencies Administration, during which time fur seal populations were below 3,000 individuals. With regulations in place, visible colonies were present again by the 1950s. By 2006 Antarctic fur seal populations exceeded 4 million and the species was considered to no longer require special protection by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research.
The regulation of the whaling industry was not as smooth. In 1935 the Geneva Convention for the Regulation of Whaling came into effect, requiring all whaling vessels be licensed. However, the regulation lacked provisions for enforcement, and ultimately had little effect on the taking of whales in Antarctica. To fix these shortcomings, the Protocol to the London Agreement was adopted in 1938. The agreement, also known as the London Protocol, prohibited the taking of Antarctic humpback whales and established a whale sanctuary in the Pacific sector of the Antarctica’s Southern Ocean. However, there was still no international consensus on the number of whales that could be killed annually, causing the number of factory whaling ships to continue to increase and leading to a record breaking whaling year in 1937-1938.
World War II caused most whaling to stop between 1939 and 1944. Despite this whaling hiatus, whale populations largely did not recover during this time. In 1946, as World War II came to an end, the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling (ICRW) was signed, establishing the International Whaling Commission (IWC).
In 1963 and 1964 the IWC set a moratorium on the take of Antarctic humpback and blue whales, respectively. However, like the Geneva Convention, the IWC failed to set catch limits for all other whale species. Finally, in 1985 the IWC placed a moratorium on commercial whaling. The moratorium remains in effect today.
Most whale populations have rebounded accordingly. For penguins, this means the return or other krill-consumers. However, changes in global climate have simultaneously reduced krill populations worldwide, particularly in the Antarctic. In other words, the hunt for krill is not as easy as it once was for gentoo and chinstrap penguins.
But why has the gentoo penguin not been seeing the same declines as the chinstrap penguin, a fellow krill consumer? Researchers suspect changes in the gentoo’s diet may be behind their recent population successes.
To study the two penguin’s diets, scientists researched the chemical signatures in penguin feathers and eggs. Specifically, stable nitrogen isotopes were analyzed and used to reconstruct the diets of the penguins sampled. With both modern and historic penguin samples, these researchers were able to assess whether the diets of either of these penguin species had changed over time, and if so, how.
Based on these chemical signatures, researchers found both gentoo and chinstrap penguins fed primarily on krill during the krill surplus of the mid-1900s, when competing krill-consuming mammals were over-hunted by humans. However, from the late-1900s to present day the stable isotope signatures show that gentoo penguins have adapted their diets away from strictly eating krill to including fish and squid. Meanwhile, the chinstrap penguin continues to feed exclusively on the dwindling krill.
The gentoo penguin’s ability to adapt its diet to modern changes in food availability is likely behind the gentoo’s recent population increases. Conversely, the chinstrap penguin’s inability to adjust diet is likely the most direct cause of the current population decline.
As Dr. Kelton McMahon, one of the lead researchers of this study, explains, “By understanding how past ecosystems respond to environmental change, we can better predict future responses and improve the management of human-environment interactions in Antarctica.”