The City of Menlo Park invites residents to join a renters or homeowners focus group in order to develop a deeper understanding of local issues and concerns. If you rent or own a home in Menlo Park, the City want to hear from you! The two focus groups will meet the week of July 19 to receive comments and feedback. The goal of the focus groups is to gain an understanding of housing challenges and opportunities in Menlo Park.
What do I need to know?
Like other cities in the Bay Area, Menlo Park is required by state law to update its General Plan Housing Element. A housing element provides an analysis of a community’s housing needs for all income levels, and strategies for providing those housing needs. Each city is required to accommodate its fair share of housing. As part of the Housing Element Update, the City of Menlo Park is responsible for demonstrating how it will accommodate its fair share of about 3,000 units for the 2023 to 2031 planning period.
The City will need to develop policies and strategies to meet existing and future housing needs in the city while ensuring communitywide access to resources. The decisions made during this process will shape the future of Menlo Park.
How can I join?
If you are interested in participating in a focus group, please complete the focus group interest form by July 9, 2021. Each focus group will have up to 20 people. The focus group meeting date/time will be coordinated following July 9, 2021.