Over the summer, the Florida Department of Citrus held a series of online focus groups aimed at testing new marketing messages for Florida orange juice. Initial testing showed we were on the right track. Consumers indicated a high willingness to purchase 100% orange juice after reading our taglines. The logical next step was to find out why. The focus group results supported our earlier testing and provided valuable insights from our target audience that will help define the programs you see from us in 2020.
But they also served as a reminder that we are not starting from scratch.
Pure and Natural Product
As part of the message testing, we reserved one evening of focus groups for those who already purchase and love orange juice. We wanted to ensure anything new we roll out doesn’t alienate our current fans in the process. I shouldn’t have been surprised by their responses, but I must admit that I was.
“Having orange juice in our family is very important because it gives us a drink that is natural, pure, and very healthy.”
“We love having OJ and knowing how healthy it is for you.”
“We start our day with OJ at breakfast; we don’t miss a day.”
“OJ is a staple in my home.”
Comment after comment came as a welcome reminder that our industry matters. We are loved, appreciated, sought after.
Solid Foundation
It’s so easy to focus on the negative. In life. In this industry. Who could blame us after all we’ve been through? Citrus greening knocked us to our knees and Hurricane Irma hit us while we were down. It’s difficult to see the sunshine through all those clouds.
But all along, while we fought for our lives, people around the world continued enjoying Florida orange juice. Dads drink a glass as they rush out the door to work. Moms give a glass to their kids when they want to make sure they are getting something good in their day. Some turn to orange juice when they are feeling under the weather, and others to celebrate major milestones. For many, placing a carton of orange juice in their cart is second nature.
This certainly doesn’t solve the predicament our industry finds itself in right now. But it does provide a perspective we are often quick to forget. We are not starting from scratch. Orange juice continues to be the most loved 100% fruit juice in the country. While change is welcome, and even necessary, our marketing efforts have not been in vain. We have a solid foundation and a core group of fans.
As we enter the new year, let us not forget those who have stood by our side all along but let their passion inspire us as we aim to give Americans a reason to invite Florida orange juice back into their homes.