Pollster Frank Luntz analyzed the PBS NewsHour/Politico Democratic presidential primary debate in an appearance on Laura Ingraham’s FOX News program Friday. Luntz said President Trump has to shift the discussion from impeachment to quality of life and economy. If he doesn’t get the message out he has a challenge. However, he said, 2020 Democrats have no answer to a booming Trump economy.
“It’s the best economy for African Americans. It’s the best economy for Latino Americans. It’s the best economy for 18- to 29-year-olds,” Luntz said. “All the groups that tend to vote on the Democratic side of the fence are actually benefiting from this economy more than anyone else. But it’s interesting, I did a down session last night, townhall for the L.A. Times — and the viewers want to see if they can download the L.A. Times app. You can watch the entire focus group — and Democrats think that it’s not so good because of wages, because of costs, that it is more expensive, or seemingly more expensive, to live today, and that’s the strategy that they’re going to use against Donald Trump.”
Luntz held a focus group with the ‘LA Times’ for the debate that featured liberal and moderate voters. They rated the candidates and described Trump voters as uneducated, ignorant and racist.
Frank Luntz: Well, it’s the best economy for African Americans. It’s the best economy for Latino Americans. It’s the best economy for 18 to 29 year olds. All the groups that tend to vote on the Democratic side of the fence are actually benefiting from this economy more than anyone else. But it’s interesting, I did a down session last night, townhall for the L.A. Times — and the viewers want to see if they can download the L.A. Times app. You can watch the entire focus group — and Democrats think that it’s not so good because of wages, because of costs, that it is more expensive, or seemingly more expensive, to live today, and that’s the strategy that they’re going to use against Donald Trump.
“It’s not enough to have a good job. It’s not enough to have a career,’ they’re going to say. That with the Democrats, “We’re going to raise your wages. You’re going to have more take home pay.” But what they forget to acknowledge is that taxes are going to go up. And so, people are actually going to have less money in their pockets —
Laura Ingraham: Well, Frank, hold on a second.
Frank Luntz: — It’s made for all of these programs —
Laura Ingraham: Frank. Frank. Okay. Frank, I just want. I hear this and like my head is going to explode. Okay. If that’s what the Democrats do, they have this magic potion where they’re going to raise wages and then all the costs are going to go down, and there’s going to be lollipops on the trees and chocolate — you know, raining chocolate, then why didn’t Obama do it in eight years?
Frank Luntz: Obama —
Laura Ingraham: He was the master politician, right? So, every time they say, “We’ll do this,” I say, “Why didn’t Obama do it?”
Frank Luntz: So, here’s my challenge to you.
Laura Ingraham: What’s the answer?
Frank Luntz: So, here’s my challenge, which is that you gave a listing of all the things that Donald Trump has done this week. You gave a listing of all the things he’s done all year. The American people don’t know some of this. The impeachment trial has actually gotten in the way of Donald Trump’s communication. And the challenge for the Trump campaign is to shift it back to the quality of life, the standard of living, to the jobs, because that’s what the public cares about. And if Trump can get that message out, then he gets reelected. If he doesn’t get that message out, then he has a challenge.
Laura Ingraham: No, I just think it’s the way people are living. I mean, you can tell them the economy is great. But I think it’s the way they’re living. But you’re right. I mean, the new year, it’s got to be all sunshine and roses. Frank, you asked a focus group of Democrat voters to describe Trump’s supporters with one word. Here’s what they said.
Female Speaker: Stupid.
Female Speaker: Cruel.
Female Speaker: Ignorant.
Female Speaker: I’m sticking with ignorant.
Female Speaker: Ignorant.
Male Speaker: Misinformed.
Female Speaker: Racist.
Female Speaker: There it is.
Female Speaker: Against their own interest.
Female Speaker: Misguided.
Female Speaker: Ignorant.
Female Speaker: Uneducated.
Male Speaker: Uninformed.
Laura Ingraham: Frank, the deplorables, yeah.
Frank Luntz: It’s coming back.
Laura Ingraham: That’s not going to go over well in middle America to hear that.
Frank Luntz: Well, this is why there’s such a difference between the Republicans and the Democrats is that they have a different world view and that was about as negative as they got and I have to tell you I felt really bad because the divisions are real. The polarization is real. The success of this economy is real. The things that president have — has done is real. But it’s his job to communicate those successes.
Laura Ingraham: Well, I think the successes could be obvious but I think there are a lot of people out there who they just don’t like what America represented in the past and don’t really much like what America represents now and they want to remake America into a new, you know, new order. Frank, fascinating. We really appreciate it. Thanks so much. And coming up, a once prominent evangelical magazine calls for Trump’s removal. We expose it next.